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LodaRAT: Established malware, new victim patterns

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Executive Summary

LodaRAT: Established malware, new victim patterns

Rapid7 has observed an ongoing malware campaign involving a new version of LodaRAT. This version possesses the ability to steal cookies and passwords from Microsoft Edge and Brave. LodaRAT, first observed in 2016, is a remote access tool (RAT) written in AutoIt. Development of LodaRAT has continued over the past 8 years, with an Android version distributed in the wild since 2021. This article analyzes the Windows version only.

Originally created for information gathering, LodaRAT has a variety of capabilities for collecting and exfiltrating victim data, delivering additional malware, capturing the victim’s screen, controlling the victim camera or mouse, and even spreading in infected environments. Notably, this appears to be the only update made to that RAT since 2022. Even the embedded DLLs remain the same.


Old versions of LodaRAT were using Phishing (T1566) and Known Vulnerability Exploitation (T1203) techniques in their delivery process, but Rapid7 spotted new versions being distributed by DonutLoader (S0695) and CobaltStrike (S0154). We also observed LodaRAT on systems infected with other malware families like AsyncRAT (S1087), Remcos (S0332), Xworm, and more. Though we aren’t able to say for sure whether LodaRAT was distributed with those malware families or simply present by coincidence. New LodaRAT samples masquerade (T1036) as well-known Windows software such as Discord, Skype, and Windows Update, amongst others.


While in previous campaigns the threat actor behind this RAT showed interest in specific country-based organizations, the new campaign seems to infect victims all over the world. Approximately 30% of VirusTotal samples were uploaded from the USA.

LodaRAT: Established malware, new victim patterns


LodaRAT was attributed to the Kasablanka APT by Cisco in 2021; the group was focused on information gathering and espionage targeting Russia and Bangladesh in 2022. The 2024 campaign observed by Rapid7 shows a notable shift in threat actor behavior — i.e., preferring worldwide distribution over specific regional targets — and therefore we would not necessarily attribute this year's campaign to the same APT. Being an AutoIt compiled binary, LodaRAT source code can be easily extracted and customized by a skilled threat actor. Rapid7 also found a GitHub repository with leaked LodaRAT source code. Based on capabilities, variable names, and strings, the leaked code is a four-year-old LodaRAT version, meaning adversaries have had plenty of time to analyze and update the code in newer versions.

InsightIDR and Managed Detection and Response customers have existing detection coverage through Rapid7's expansive library of detection rules. Rapid7 recommends installing the Insight Agent on all applicable hosts to ensure visibility into suspicious processes and proper detection coverage. Below is a non-exhaustive list of detections that are deployed and will alert on behavior related to this malware campaign:

  • Suspicious Process - LodaRAT Malware Executed
  • Suspicious Process - Renamed AutoIt Interpreter

Technical Analysis

In this section we will briefly describe the overall capabilities of LodaRAT. For the full capability list, please see our LodaRAT repository on GitHub. It's worth mentioning that most of the LodaRAT samples we investigated as part of the 2024 campaign had a string obfuscation mechanism. We build a Python script to decrypt those strings and make an AutoIt script human-readable.

The LodaRAT string deobfuscator is available to the community and can be downloaded here. Some of the samples were also packed with the UPX packer.

LodaRAT execution starts with a check for a specifically named window — for example, `UOMGAYFFBC`. This is done to make sure that only one instance of the malware is executed on the system. Next, the malware changes its window title. It also checks whether the infected OS is Windows 10 or 11. Then, it defines local variables and facilitates registry persistence by adding a new value under the `HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run` registry key (T1547.001). Persistence is not always achieved by adding a new registry value. However, Rapid7 observed that some LodaRAT samples instead created a new scheduled task that will execute a compiled AutoIt every minute (T1053), while others did not attempt to establish persistence at all. Interestingly, in both cases where Rapid7 did not observe a new registry value being added for persistence, the malware still attempted to delete the registry value during the uninstall process.

The malware also checks if one of the following registry values is set:

  • HKCU\Software\Win32\data
  • HKCU\Software\Win32\img
  • HKCU\Software\Win32\keyx
  • HKCU\Software\Win32\imgCli
  • HKCU\Software\Win32\pidx

All the above keys are set by the malware in response to a specific command from the command-and-control (C2) server. The malware checks whether Windata and Windata\mon folders exist in the user's %AppData% directory, and if not, it creates them. It also sets the mon directory attributes to System and Hidden to evade detection (T1564.001).

The malware will then start a TCP connection to the C2 server, capture the victim's screen, and save the capture in the mon folder (T1113). The C2 beacon contains basic victim information, such as:

  1. Whether the user has Administrator rights; if they do, the Admin string will be passed to the C2 server, otherwise the passed parameter will be a string that varies from sample to sample.
  2. Username
  3. OS version and architecture
  4. Whether any anti-virus(AV) solution is running on the system; the malware will tell the C2 server No if no AV solution is found, and Disabled in cases where it is present but not running.
  5. Host IP address
  6. Desktop resolution
  7. Whether the endpoint is a laptop or a desktop
  8. Number of files in the mon folder

That information will be combined into the following packet:
x|<Admin/harcoded_string>|x|<Username>|<OS Version>|<OS Architecture>| | |<Disabled/No>|<Host IP address>|ddd|Pr|<Desktop Height>|X2|<Desktop Width>|X3|<Laptop/Desktop>|<Amount of files in mon folder>|beta

In the response, the RAT waits on a command from the C2 server. While a full list of LodaRAT capabilities can be found here, notable capabilities include:

  1. Downloading and executing additional payloads: We were able to spot the use of the ngrok reverse proxy utility based on the command the malware executes when receiving it from the C2 server. We can also assess with medium confidence that one other tool downloaded from the C2 server is a lateral movement utility that exploits the SMB protocol to drop and/or execute a malicious binary on a remote host. This assumption is based on malware’s attempt to connect to an internal IP on port 445, after which it receives a tool from the C2 server and uses that utility to run .bin file on the remote host.
  2. Executing commands on the victim's host
  3. Controlling the victim’s mouse
  4. Screen capturing
  5. Stealing browser cookies and credentials
  6. Disabling Windows Firewall
  7. File enumeration and exfiltration
  8. Webcam recording
  9. Microphone recording
  10. New local user creation

In addition, the malware is capable of opening and closing a CD tray, creating a GUI chat window while the conversation is saved to a file.


An updated IOC list can be found here.


LodaRAT shows that even older malware can still be a serious threat if it works well enough. While new malware families pop up all the time with fancy updates, LodaRAT has stayed mostly the same since 2021, yet it’s still spreading and infecting systems worldwide. The recent campaign, with its ability to steal credentials from browsers like Microsoft Edge and Brave, proves that small tweaks can keep malware effective without major updates. The fact that LodaRAT keeps working so well reminds us that even older threats shouldn't be underestimated.

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37 days ago
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Investigating a SharePoint Compromise: IR Tales from the Field

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Executive summary

Investigating a SharePoint Compromise: IR Tales from the Field

Rapid7’s Incident Response team recently investigated a Microsoft Exchange service account with domain administrator privileges. Our investigation uncovered an attacker who accessed a server without authorization and moved laterally across the network, compromising the entire domain. The attacker remained undetected for two weeks. Rapid7 determined the initial access vector to be the exploitation of a vulnerability, CVE 2024-38094, within the on-premise SharePoint server.

Exploitation for initial access has been a common theme in 2024, often requiring security tooling and efficient response procedures to avoid major impact. The attacker’s tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) are showcased in this blog, along with some twists and turns we encountered when handling the investigation.

Observed attacker behavior

Rapid7 began exploring suspicious activity that involved process executions tied to a Microsoft Exchange service account. This involved the service account installing the Horoung Antivirus (AV) software, which was not an authorized software in the environment. For context, Horoung Antivirus is a popular AV software in China that can be installed from Microsoft Store. Most notably, the installation of Horoung caused a conflict with active security products on the system. This resulted in a crash of these services. Stopping the system’s current security solutions allowed the attacker freedom to pursue follow-on objectives thus relating this malicious activity to Impairing Defenses (T1562).

Zooming out from the specific event to look at the surrounding activity paints a clear picture of the attacker’s intended goal. Shortly before installing Horoung AV, the attacker used Python to install Impacket from GitHub and then attempted to execute it. Impacket is a collection of open-source Python scripts to interact with network protocols, typically utilized to facilitate lateral movement and other post-exploitation objectives. The system’s security tooling blocked the Impacket execution, which led to the download via browser and installation of this AV product to circumvent defenses.

As with many incident response investigations, identified clues are not always chronological, thus requiring a timeline to be constructed to understand the narrative. We must attempt to discover how the attacker compromised the system or accessed the environment in the first place. In this specific investigation, the attacker had a dwell time of two weeks. The attacker’s actions are detailed chronologically in the figure below.

Investigating a SharePoint Compromise: IR Tales from the Field
Figure 1: MITRE Timeline

A great resource for identifying lateral movement involves analysis of authentication event logs from the domain controllers, specifically event ID 4624. Evidence indicated that malicious activity for this compromised Exchange service account involved more than just this single system. The source of unauthorized activity went back a week prior on a domain controller.

Analysis of the domain controller revealed that the attacker used this Exchange service account to authenticate via Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). The attacker went on to disable Windows Defender Threat Detection (WDTD) on the system and added an exclusion for a malicious binary called msvrp.exe using the GUI. The malicious binary was placed in the C:\ProgramData\VMware\ folder but was not related to VMware. This binary is a tool called Fast Reverse Proxy (FRP), which allows external access to the system through a NAT-configured firewall. The FRP tool requires an .ini file to provide the necessary network configuration to establish an outbound connection. The .ini file’s external IP address has been provided in the Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) table in this blog post. Persistence was established for the FRP via scheduled tasks on the domain controller. Review of the C:\ProgramData\VMware\ folder used by the attacker revealed additional malicious binaries such as ADExplorer64.exe, NTDSUtil.exe, and nxc.exe. These tools were utilized to map the Active Directory environment, gather credentials, and scan systems.

Further analysis of authentication events from the domain controller indicated this malicious activity was sourced from a public-facing SharePoint server. Evidence indicated that the attacker executed Mimikatz, and there were signs of log tampering on the SharePoint server. It also indicated that a majority of system logging was disabled, and several key event log sources were absent during the investigation timeframe. Mimikatz has the ability to clear event logs and disable system logging. These malicious executions were tied to the local administrator account on the system. This would provide the necessary privileges for log tampering on the SharePoint server. However, some logs were spared, such as RDP log evidence. This indicated all authentication for the local administrator account was sourced from the local system to the local system during the in-scope time frame. The authentication information indicated that the potential initial access vector (IAV) would be tied to this SharePoint server. In light of this evidence, Rapid7 dug deeper into potential exploitation of the SharePoint services for an answer.

Rapid7 reviewed available SharePoint inetpub logs and identified the following GET and POST requests indicative of CVE-2024-38094 being exploited from the external IP address 18.195.61[.]200.

POST /_vti_bin/client.svc/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('/BusinessDataMetadataC atalog/')/Files/add(url='/BusinessDataMetadataCatalog/BDCMetadata.bdcm 
POST /_vti_bin/DelveApi.ashx/config/ghostfile93.aspx 

This vulnerability allows for remote code execution (RCE) on systems running Microsoft SharePoint from an external source. The proof-of-concept (PoC) code identified here was observed in available SharePoint log evidence. A great resource that explains the PoC code on Github can be found here. Utilizing this vulnerability, the attacker dropped a webshell on the system. The webshell was called ghostfile93.aspx, which generated numerous HTTP POST requests from the same external IP address tied to the exploit string within log evidence. After several hours of using the webshell, the attacker authenticated into the system using the local administrator account.

Initial access occurred two weeks prior to the start of the investigation. The attacker performed other notable TTPs during the dwell time. These TTPs involved utilizing several binaries to include everything.exe, kerbrute_windows_amd64.exe, 66.exe, Certify.exe, and attempts to destroy third-party backups. The binary everything.exe can index the NTFS file system for efficient searching across files, such as recently used files and network shares. Some of the most notable binaries include 66.exe, a renamed version of Mimikatz, and Certify.exe, which creates an ADFS certificate to utilize for elevated actions within the Active Directory environment. The remaining binary kerbrute_windows_amd64.exe has extensive capability for brute-forcing Active Directory Kerberos tickets. The attacker failed to compromise the third-party backup solution but attempted multiple methods, including access via the browser using compromised credentials and connecting over SSH.

As discussed previously, the installation of external AV products to disable security tooling was an interesting TTP identified during this investigation. Shortly after being blocked for attempted Impacket execution, Rapid7 identified the attacker leveraging an installation batch script called hrsword install.bat. The contents of this script indicate that the Huorong AntiVirus (AV) security solution was being installed. This script involved a service creation called sysdiag to execute the driver file sysdiag_win10.sys, which creates a VBS script execution parameter to execute HRSword.exe. Rapid7 observed this installation causing errors for security products on the system, potentially leading to a scenario in which the service or application would crash. These install files and all IOCs identified during this investigation have been provided in the IOC table contained within this blog.

Rapid7 customers

InsightVM and Nexpose customers can assess their exposure to the Microsoft SharePoint CVE-2024-38094 with authenticated vulnerability checks added in the July 09, 2024 content release.

Rapid7 used Velociraptor during this investigation to allow for remote triage and collection of forensic artifacts on the endpoint. A Velociraptor artifact has been created to hunt for strings related to the public PoC and log evidence identified during the investigation. The artifact can be found within the Rapid7 Labs VQL Repo here

InsightIDR and Managed Detection and Response customers have existing detection coverage through Rapid7's expansive library of detection rules. Rapid7 recommends installing the Insight Agent on all applicable hosts to ensure visibility into suspicious processes and proper detection coverage. Below is a non-exhaustive list of detections that are deployed and will alert on behavior related to exploitation of this vulnerability.
Suspicious Commands Launched by Webserver
IIS Launching Discovery Commands
IIS Spawns PowerShell
Attacker Tool - Impacket
Attacker Tool - MimiKatz
Attacker Technique - Hash Dumping With NTDSUtil
Attacker Technique - Clearing Event Logs
Defense Evasion - Disabling Multiple Security or Backup Products

Rapid7 also recommends ensuring that SharePoint is patched to the latest version.

MITRE ATT&CK techniques

Tactic Technique Details
Initial Access Exploit Public-Facing Application (T1190) CVE-2024-38094: Microsoft SharePoint Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Defense Evasion Impair Defense (T1562) AV solution being utilized to disable or degrade security tools on systems.
Discovery Account Discovery (T1087) Usage of AD enumeration tools
Command and Control Proxy (T1090) Fast Reverse Proxy being used to establish outbound connection
Discovery File and Directory Discovery (T1083) Everything.exe being observed on in-scope systems.
Discovery Network Share Discovery (T1135) nxc.exe being observed on in-scope systems.
Credential Access OS Credential Dumping (T1003) Various credential harvesting tools observed on in-scope systems
Persistence Scheduled Task/Job (T1053) Scheduled tasks observed on in-scope systems to execute the FRP tool.

Indicators of Compromise

Attribute Value Description
Filename and Path c:\users\Redacted\documents\everything-\everything.exe Binary to locate files
SHA256 d3a6ed07bd3b52c62411132d060560f9c0c88ce183851f16b632a99b4d4e7581 Hash for everything.exe
Filename and Path c:\programdata\vmware\66.exe Renamed mimikatz.exe
SHA256 61c0810a23580cf492a6ba4f7654566108331e7a4134c968c2d6a05261b2d8a1 Hash for mimikatz.exe
Filename and Path c:\programdata\vmware\certify.exe Creates an ADFS certificate to utilize for elevated actions within the Active Directory environment.
SHA256 95cc0b082fcfc366a7de8030a6325c099d8012533a3234edbdf555df082413c7 Hash for certify.exe
Filename and Path c:\programdata\vmware\kerbrute_windows_amd64.exe Used to perform Kerberos pre-auth brute forcing.
SHA256 d18aa84b7bf0efde9c6b5db2a38ab1ec9484c59c5284c0bd080f5197bf9388b0 Hash for kerbrute_windows_amd64.exe
Filename and Path c:\programdata\vmware\msvrp.exe Fast Reverse Proxy tool for allowing external access to the system through a NAT configured firewall.
SHA256 f618b09c0908119399d14f80fc868b002b987006f7c76adbcec1ac11b9208940 Hash for msvrp.exe
Filename and Path c:\programdata\vmware\nxc.exe Newer version of the CrackMapExec Network Pentesting tool.
SHA256 95cc0b082fcfc366a7de8030a6325c099d8012533a3234edbdf555df082413c7 Hash for nxc.exe
Filename and Path c:\programdata\vmware\adexplorer64.exe Active Directory Enumeration Tool
SHA256 e451287843b3927c6046eaabd3e22b929bc1f445eec23a73b1398b115d02e4fb Hash for adexplorer64.exe
Filename and Path c:\users\Redacted\documents\h\hrsword install.bat Component of Huorong AV
SHA256 1beec8cecd28fdf9f7e0fc5fb9226b360934086ded84f69e3d542d1362e3fdf3 Hash for hrsword install.bat
Filename and Path c:\users\Redacted\documents\h\hrsword.exe Component of Huorong AV
SHA256 6ce228240458563d73c1c3cbbd04ef15cb7c5badacc78ce331848f5431b406cc Hash for hrsword.exe
Filename and Path c:\Windows\System32\drivers\sysdiag_win10.sys System driver component of Huorong AV
SHA256 acb5de5a69c06b7501f86c0522d10fefa9c34776c7535e937e946c6abfc9bbc6 Hash for sysdiag_win10.sys
Log-Based IOC POST /_vti_bin/client.svc/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('/BusinessDataMetadataC atalog/')/Files/add(url='/BusinessDataMetadataCatalog/BDCMetadata.bdcm POC code identified in SharePoint logs.
Log-Based IOC POST /_vti_bin/DelveApi.ashx/config/ghostfile93.aspx Webshell identified within SharePoint logs.
IP Address 54.255.89[.]118 IP address from .ini file for Fast Reverse Proxy tool
IP Address 18.195.61[.]200 Source IP address from exploitation and webshell communications
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37 days ago
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Understanding your Attack Surface: Different Approaches to Asset Discovery

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Understanding your Attack Surface: Different Approaches to Asset Discovery

Over the past two blogs (Help, I can’t see! A Primer for Attack Surface Management Blog Series and The Main Components of an Attack Surface Management (ASM) Strategy) in our series on Attack Surface Management, we’ve focused on the drivers and core elements of an Attack Surface Management solution. In this post, we’ll delve into the process of discovering assets. We cannot secure what we cannot see so getting this piece right is foundational to the success of your ASM program. This blog will explore four different methods of asset discovery starting with the most basic, deployed software agents.

Software Agents

Deployed agents are how most asset inventory and asset management systems work. A software agent is deployed on a workstation or server, phoning home to the management system about the asset. The benefits of this approach are that you get a very high fidelity dataset on this particular asset, including up-to-date information on installed software, location, etc. However, this approach is only as good as the reach of the software agent. From an asset discovery perspective, the problem that is encountered is that you cannot discover assets that do not have that software agent installed. If we consider the funnel diagram below, this is effectively having visibility from one row in the funnel. In reality, most organizations do not have 100% deployment coverage of agents and many assets that will not be able to deploy agents, so they have many different tools that provide asset visibility, all with different perspectives.

Understanding your Attack Surface: Different Approaches to Asset Discovery

Also, If the software agent is an IT management agent, and not an endpoint security agent, it will typically lack security controls, vulnerability and exposure context which means key information to best understand the attack surface may be missing.

In sum, software agents should be treated as pieces of the attack surface puzzle.

Data Aggregation & Correlation

The more comprehensive way to discover assets is through the ingestion of asset data across a variety of tools the organization uses. This is the primary way assets are discovered with a CAASM solution. By ingesting data from your IT, business applications, and security tools via API connectors we get the broadest visibility and can see across the data gaps from any individual tools.

A CAASM solution asks each connected tool for the latest list of assets on a recurring basis. Security and identity data related to an asset is then stored and mapped to build a relationship in a database (ideally a graph) that is easily discoverable and queryable. Note that some solutions exist, but not many, that enable asset history tracking to perform data trending to view how an asset and organization changes over time. In this case, more than a single asset record is stored per asset, retained for a configurable length of time.

Due to the correlation engine provided by CAASM solutions, the more data you ingest from your tools, the better your attack surface visibility and accuracy. Remember the funnel illustrated at the beginning of this article? Since your tools might not agree on the fundamental aspects like the number of assets, it’s necessary to ingest data across them to get closer to a truer picture of your attack surface.

Organization’s start putting together the pieces by ingesting data typically from 5 primary sources

Full deployments typically have between 10-20 data sources depending on the size of the organization. These will also include integrations into CMDB, IT Asset Management systems, Digital Risk Protection Service (DRPS), and more.

For the external attack surface (EASM), assets are discovered using one of two methods, or a combination of both. The first method is again, data ingestion from sources: like Shodan, Bitsight, etc. The second method is through active internet scanning that occurs on a recurring basis to discover the latest public facing assets and services running on them. We have covered data ingestion in detail already, we will then take a look at active network scanning shortly but let’s start with passive network scanning first.

Passive Network Scanning

Not every asset in the organization will be linked to a pre-existing data source. For complete attack surface coverage, you also need to consider methods that go further that address visibility gaps from your data sources. The first of these is passive network scanning.

In one scenario, attackers could gain access to your internal network through a malicious insider. A disgruntled employee could plug an unapproved workstation or malicious device into an ethernet port, or attackers might gain a foothold through WiFi attacks to gain entry on the network with a static IP address. In both of these cases, the malicious device would effectively be invisible to your teams and tools, with the exception of the perspective of network switches, firewalls, and network traffic analysis.

Support for data sources of passive network traffic therefore can give teams visibility into new assets that come online that are not correlated with any other data source. This can provide visibility into rogue devices that are circumventing security policy and protocol. Most CAASM solutions today do not ingest network data such as Netflow, or support NTA data ingestion, although some can use data from agents that process ARP or DHCP broadcasts to discover new assets. However, these agents need to be deployed on a specific network segment otherwise they won't be able to discover unknown assets. In these cases, Active Network Scanning is a potential alternative to increase visibility of assets that are circumventing normal controls and monitoring.

Active Network Scanning

The most difficult-to-discover Shadow IT assets can also be the most vulnerable, because they won't have the necessary security controls enabled. These assets are not discoverable through network data alone, as they provide no telemetry.  Even with network data, security teams often miss fingerprinting and fail to identify the services running on these devices. Active scanning offers a way to capture information from these assets that are otherwise missed. Active network scanning is a necessary feature in environments where full visibility is extremely important.

A fully deployed vulnerability scanner is superior to native active network scanning because it uses the same network discovery techniques but also understands vulnerabilities and exposures. Using a CAASM solution to understand which assets and networks are not being continuously assessed for vulnerabilities is a great way to also increase your ability to discover new assets by active network scanning.

For the final blog in this series, we will look at how we can drive greater insights through the context we can acquire with effective Attack Surface Management (ASM).

Learn More about Rapid7's Surface Command ▶︎

Surface Command provides a continuous 360° view of your attack surface that teams can trust to detect and prioritize security issues from endpoint to cloud.

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37 days ago
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Root Access for Data Control: A DEF CON IoT Village Story

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Root Access for Data Control: A DEF CON IoT Village Story

Every year, Rapid7 is a presenter at DEF CON’s IoT Village, sharing in-depth insight and expertise into the hacking of all things Internet of Things. This year, our perennial IoT hacking presenter, Principal Security Researcher, IoT, Deral Heiland, along with Rapid7 pentest team members, showed attendees many methods of extracting firmware from IoT devices and manipulating the systems in the name of control and operations.

Extracting firmware without the use of destructive means can be difficult and in some cases impossible. However, Deral went deep with IoT Village attendees, presenting a live hands-on exercise each attendee in the room could interact with. It was an enlightening and productive presentation. But we are aware not everyone could make it to DEF CON 32 this year.

Which is why we’ve transformed the presentation into a handy whitepaper. Deral has gone step-by-step through the exercise, and even improved upon it in some cases (so even if you were in the room, there’s likely even more for you to get from it). While DEF CON 32 may be firmly in the rear-view mirror, the hacking carries on. And if you missed DEF CON, or Deral’s presentation, you have another chance to learn and take part in the exercise.

To check out the whitepaper, please click here. And if you’d like to learn more about Deral’s previous IoT Village presentations (he’s done a lot of them), many live right here on the blog.

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37 days ago
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The Evolution of Transparent Tribe’s New Malware

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Executive Summary: In recent cyber attacks, Transparent Tribe, or APT36, has utilized an increasingly sophisticated malware called ElizaRAT. Check Point Research tracked ElizaRAT’s evolution, uncovering its improved execution methods, detection evasion, and Command and Control communication since its public disclosure in September 2023. The ElizaRAT campaigns first executed the same function to verify that the system was set to India Standard Time, indicating that the campaigns targeted Indian systems. Transparent Tribe, otherwise known as APT36, is a Pakistan-affiliated threat actor that notoriously targets Indian-associated entities. The threat group’s main objective is cyber espionage, which has previously targeted governmental organizations, diplomatic […]

The post The Evolution of Transparent Tribe’s New Malware appeared first on Check Point Blog.

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37 days ago
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Ransomware’s Evolving Threat: The Rise of RansomHub, Decline of Lockbit, and the New Era of Data Extortion

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1.Introduction The ransomware landscape is witnessing significant changes, with new actors like RansomHub rising to prominence, while previously dominant groups such as Lockbit experience a sharp decline. Ransomware remains the most pervasive cyber threat, with financially motivated criminal groups deploying increasingly sophisticated tactics, including Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) models and double extortion. This report, based on Check Point Research’s (CPR) September 2024 analysis, provides an in-depth review of the current ransomware trends, key actors, and their impact on sectors such as industrial manufacturing, education, and healthcare. This evolution in tactics, coupled with the growing capabilities of emerging groups, poses significant challenges for […]

The post Ransomware’s Evolving Threat: The Rise of RansomHub, Decline of Lockbit, and the New Era of Data Extortion appeared first on Check Point Blog.

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37 days ago
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